Faigh eolas maidir le príomhréimsí beartas de chuid an Aontais a bhaineann le hÉirinn: an talmhaíocht, an geilleagar, an comhshaol, an t-iascach, an taighde, an digitiú, an cháin

An nuacht is déanaí

Today, the European Commission presented the Competitiveness Compass, the first major initiative of this mandate providing a strategic and clear framework to steer the Commission's work.

Peter Power has been appointed as new Head of the European Commission Representation in Dublin, Ireland. In this function, he will act as the official representative of the European Commission in Ireland under the political authority of President Ursula von der Leyen.

Following Ireland's request for assistance relating to power outages caused by the record-breaking storm Éowyn, the EU Civil Protection Mechanism has been activated. The EU has immediately mobilised 13 power generators from the Commission's own strategic reserve, rescEU, hosted in Poland.
Díol suntais
Leis an bPlean Téarnaimh don Eoraip, dar luach €1.8 trilliún, tugtar tacaíocht don téarnamh eacnamaíoch in Éirinn agus cuidítear le hEoraip a bheidh níos glaise, níos digití a thógáil, Eoraip ar fearr an teacht aniar inti
Faigh na fíricí maidir le cuid de na míthuiscintí is coitianta a bhíonn ann faoin Aontas
I lár an aonaigh

Físeán gearr oideachasúil faoi Éirinn agus an tAontas Eorpach is ea ‘Mise, Tusa agus an tAontas Eorpach’, a ghluaiseann ar aghaidh go tapa. Is ar dhaltaí meánscoile atá sé dírithe.