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Representation in Ireland
  • 7 February 2025

Benefits of EU membership for Ireland

Ireland became a member of the European Union on 1 January 1973 following a referendum in which 83% of voters supported the move.

Back then it was called the European Economic Community (EEC) and most of Ireland’s current population won’t remember the historic event for good reason – they hadn’t been born yet!

That’s why it’s important to reflect on Ireland’s EU membership and the many positive impacts it has had, and continues to have, on the country.

Joining the EU is undoubtedly the most significant step the country has taken on its journey as an independent nation. Almost every aspect of Irish life has improved, from how we work, travel and shop to the quality of our environment, our opportunities for learning and the way our businesses buy and sell their goods and services.

These changes are now so much a part of everyday life that we can thankfully take them for granted, so let’s have a look at just some of the ways EU policy, legislation and funding has helped improve Irish life.

Economy and Jobs

  • Ireland's membership of the European Union has greatly facilitated its transformation from an antiquated, agriculturally dependent economy to one largely driven by hi-tech industry and global exports.
  • The services sector has experienced remarkable growth since 1973, rising from a 45% share of the workforce to 77% in 2022, highlighting the role of technology, finance and other service-orientated industries in Ireland’s modern labour market. Recent projections show services approaching 80% of workforce share in 2025.
  • The EU’s Single Market environment, adoption of the euro currency and support from EU economic and fiscal policy coordination ensures Ireland’s economy remains stable and competitive.
  • In 1973, Ireland’s Gross National Income per capita was just over €17,000. By 2023, this had risen to approximately €58,000, reflecting nearly a 3.5-fold increase in real terms since joining the European Economic Community. 
  • The Trade in Goods balance (exports minus imports) changed from a deficit of €340 million in 1973 to a surplus of €52.97 billion in 2023.
  • Ireland is benefiting from €1.4 billion in EU Cohesion funding between 2021 and 2027 through the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF budget). Ireland is also receiving an estimated €1.15 billion between 2021 and 2026 in grants from the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility.
  • From 1973 up to 2018 Ireland was a net recipient of over €40 billion in EU funds. The country is now a net contributor to the EU budget but the benefits of being part of the single market is estimated to be worth in excess of €30 billion. In 2023, the value of Irish exports to the EU was €81 billion.
  • As experienced during the economic crisis in 2010, Ireland’s economic growth is vulnerable to global economic turmoil. Being a Member State helped Ireland recover from the crisis and the economic impact of Covid-19, while it also now better protects the economy from future financial shocks.
  • The annual European Semester coordinates economic policies with other Member States to prevent anomalies that can lead to financial instability, such as property bubbles like the one that was a significant factor in Ireland’s financial crisis. EU fiscal rules and annual bank stress tests maintain responsible lending and current ECB assessments confirm no systemic bubble risks.
  • The Euro, used by over 346 million EU citizens, has significantly reduced the risk of currency fluctuation and eliminated exchange costs.
  • A digital Euro is being developed to simplify Eurozone payments with instant, borderless transactions and reduce reliance on non-EU providers, strengthening Europe's monetary sovereignty. It will complement cash, be accessible to everyone, including those without traditional bank accounts, and ensure public money remains relevant in the digital age.
  • Single Market access helps create jobs as Irish exporters can sell more easily and cheaply into lucrative global markets like Canada, Japan, South Korea and Singapore thanks to international EU trade agreements. In January 2025, EU and Mexico concluded negotiations on a modernised Global Agreement that eliminates tariffs on various goods, including Irish cheese and pork.
  • As EU citizens, Irish people can live and work freely in any Member State, and that means more career opportunities and job choices for Irish workers.
  • Irish citizens working in other EU countries enjoy equal treatment in accessing employment, working conditions and all other social and tax advantages.
  • Workers’ rights have been improved in Ireland through EU regulations including measures that bring better working hours, conditions, and contracts as well as higher minimum wages.
  • Irish jobseekers and students can create free Europass CVs that are recognised across the EU. This makes it easier to apply for jobs and education. The standardised format ensures that qualifications are clear, and it provides direct links to almost three million job vacancies on the European Employment Services (EURES) network.
  • European legislation on gender equality in the workplace has ensured that Irish men and women are entitled to equal pay for doing the same job. They also have legal protection when it comes to equal, fair treatment at work and both parents are entitled to maternity and paternity leave.
  • More women can now access the labour market thanks to EU legislation that led to the abolition of an out-dated marriage bar for women in public service jobs in 1973.
  • Ireland's labour market is stronger than it has ever been, with a 75.3% employment rate in 2024 and an unemployment rate of 4.2% in December 2024.

European Semester Ireland

Economic forecast for Ireland

Benefits of the euro

Education and Training

  • EU membership has been a significant factor in enhancing the quality, standards and international outlook of Irish education.
  • EU funding has created great opportunities for studying abroad through Erasmus+, the EU’s study and work abroad programme.
  • In 2023, a total of 43,000 participants (staff and students) travelled to Ireland to take part in Erasmus+ projects, while 10,200 participants travelled abroad from Ireland for overseas Erasmus+ projects.
  • During 2023, a total of 190 Irish Erasmus+ projects benefited from grants totalling around €27.5 million.
  • Erasmus+ funding is made available to all types of formal and informal education. This includes schools, youth organisations, adult education groups, and vocational organisations.
  • Erasmus+ for 2021-2027 has a budget of €26.2 billion for all of Europe.
  • Erasmus+ students who are EU citizens and aged 18 can apply for a free DiscoverEU travel pass that provides an opportunity to explore Europe.
  • The EU’s ESF+ financial instrument supports vocational training, apprenticeships, and adult learning programmes in Ireland. Ireland’s ESF+ allocation for the 2021-2027 period is €508 million.
  • The Erasmus+ programme funds EPALE, or the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe. EPALE serves as a free community resource hub for adult learning. Léargas helps facilitate the use of EPALE in Ireland.
  • Irish citizens choosing to work or study abroad can have their Irish qualifications recognised throughout the European Union under the European Qualifications Framework.
  • Erasmus+ students and staff coming to study or work in Ireland are responsible for encouraging more than 40,000 visitors annually to the country, who all contribute to the Irish economy.
  • Erasmus+ participants from Ireland who study at a higher education institution or undertake a traineeship at a host enterprise in Europe are exempt from paying tuition fees at the host institution and can also receive monthly financial support from the European Commission to help cover expenses.
  • The European Solidarity Corps funds and supports young people aged between 18 and 30 and living in Ireland to volunteer or self-organise projects that benefit communities either at home or abroad.
  • Ireland's education policies align with the European Education Area strategic framework, emphasising sustainability, inclusion, digital literacy and lifelong learning.
  • The EU funds a free online platform called eTwinning that helps Irish primary and post-primary schools to find partners across Europe to work on joint projects in any curricular area. Léargas is the National Support Organisation for eTwinning in Ireland. 


Erasmus+ in Ireland

European Education Area 

European Qualifications Framework


  • Farming has always been very much a way of Irish life and being part of the EU helps ensure agriculture continues to be a vital source of exports, providing jobs in rural areas and contributing to food security.
  • Ireland was almost totally economically dependent on farming before joining the European Union, but the country now has a more diverse, open economy.
  • Agriculture accounted for 24% of the Irish workforce in 1973 when Ireland joined the EU, compared with just 4% in 2023.
  • The EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) provides direct financial support to Irish farmers as well as support for development of the country’s rural communities by investing in projects that improve the quality of life in the countryside and help rural businesses to become more competitive.
  • The CAP 2023-27 is designed to foster a sustainable future for farmers, provide more targeted support to smaller farms and ensure rural areas are protected and developed.
  • A significant portion of CAP funding is directed towards supporting climate change mitigation measures and encouraging practices that reduce agricultural emissions.
  • Access to the Single Market allows Irish farmers to sell produce more easily across Europe while EU trade agreements facilitate global exports.
  • In the period from 2023 up to 2027 the CAP will invest just under €10 billion in Ireland’s farming sector and rural areas, with additional co-financing from Irish authorities. About 60% is allocated to direct income support and 40% to rural development measures.
  • Rural development in Ireland is also financially supported by other EU financial instruments including European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF).
  • The EU CAP Network promotes knowledge sharing and collaboration between European farmers, leading to improved practices.
  • There are tough EU rules on the safety of food and animal feed and consumers can easily determine where the food they purchase has come from and what it contains.
  • The EU Farm to Fork Strategy is making food systems fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly. It sets concrete targets that reduce the use of pesticides and fertilisers, increase land used for organic farming and lower antimicrobials used for farmed animals. The strategy helped drive a 4.6% drop in agricultural emissions in 2023 from reduced fertilizer use and sustainable practices, contributing to Ireland’s overall 6.8% GHG reduction that year.
  • EU membership provides significant support and funding through the Carbon Farming initiative and the Carbon Removals and Carbon Farming Certification Regulation to help Ireland meet its climate targets.

Common Agricultural Policy

Income support to farmers

Farm to Fork Strategy

Rural Development


  • Being a part of the European Union means Ireland can act in unison with other Member States to tackle climate change. The European Green Deal is the EU’s long-term strategy to preserve life and Europe’s natural environment.
  • EU policies to protect natural habitats, keep air and water clean and ensure proper waste disposal are reflected in Irish legislation and the European Commission helps ensure all Member States apply EU environmental law correctly.
  • The EU Just Transition Fund (JTF) assists local regions and communities to meet the challenges of the green transition for the period 2021-2027. Ireland has been allocated €169 million under the JTF, co-funded by the EU and the Irish Government. 
  • Ireland's Territorial Just Transition Plan is targeted at the economic transition of the Midlands region which has been impacted by the ending of peat extraction. The plan focuses on generating employment, supporting peatland restoration, and providing sustainable mobility options. 
  • EU rules mean Ireland has to act on water pollution, waste disposal, air quality, and preservation of natural habitats.
  • Raw sewage is no longer dumped into the Irish Sea thanks to EU rules, and marine life around the Irish coast has benefited from cleaner sea water and beaches.
  • To comply with EU policy, the Irish Government has a Climate Action Plan that includes actions and a timeline for more than halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions no later than 2050.
  • EU projects of common interest (PCIs) help achieve Europe’s energy and climate objectives by delivering affordable, secure and sustainable energy. Irish PCIs include a Celtic Interconnector between France (La Martyre) and Ireland (Knockraha, Co Cork), a terminal and connecting gas pipeline in Shannon and a Hydroelectric Power Station at Silvermines.
  • The European Commission has been instrumental in helping to protect Irish peat bog habitats by providing funding to support habitat restoration and taking legal action against Ireland for insufficient peat bog protection.
  • Under the EU’s Bathing Water Directive Ireland has to monitor and assess bathing waters to ensure they are safe for bathers.
  • The EU LIFE Programme provides funding for support of the environment, nature conservation and climate action projects. For the 2021-2027 period, the LIFE Programme has a budget of €5.432 billion for all of Europe.
  • The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 tackles the key drivers of biodiversity loss, such as unsustainable use of land, overexploitation of natural resources, pollution, and invasive alien species.
  • Ireland's National Biodiversity Action Plan aligns with the EU Strategy to ensure Irish actions contribute to achieving broader EU goals for conservation.
  • Ireland's greenhouse gas emissions dropped by 6.8% in 2023, largely due to reductions in agriculture and energy sectors. Emissions from power generation fell by 21.6%, while agriculture emissions decreased by 4.6%. However, Ireland still has lots of work to do to meet its climate targets.
  • Ireland’s Circular Economy Act 2022, aligned with EU directives, mandates commercial waste segregation, incentivised charging, and phased single-use plastic bans. Businesses must separate waste, with lower fees for recyclables, while disposable coffee cups face restrictions. These measures support Ireland’s progress toward the EU’s 55% recycling target by 2025, although the recycling rate remained at 41% in 2022, indicating that Ireland is likely to miss this target. 
  • The EU Renewable Energy Directive drives Ireland's ambitious energy targets of 80% renewable electricity by 2030, 20GW offshore wind by 2040, and 9GW onshore wind by 2030. Ireland ranks third globally in wind capacity per capita, with 4.8GW installed as of 2023 and solar capacity growing rapidly.

European Green Deal

Irish Government Climate Action Plan

The LIFE Programme

The Just Transition Fund

Biodiversity Strategy


  • Irish citizens enjoy visa-free travel and the right to live, work, or study in all 27 EU Member States. This is in addition to Common Travel Area (CTA) travel and residency rights that were protected during Brexit negotiations. 
  • There’s no need to worry about exchange rates and changing money when visiting the 20 EU countries that have adopted the Euro.
  • Travelling across the world has become more affordable and much safer thanks to deregulation of the airline industry across EU Member States and Single European Sky legislation that has curtailed uncompetitive practices and increased safety standards.
  • EU regulations mean airline passengers can be compensated by up to €600 for delayed, cancelled or overbooked flights. If your luggage is lost or damaged, you have a right to reimbursement of up to €1,220.
  • EU rules have also strengthened passenger rights for those travelling by train, ship or long-distance bus and coach.
  • As an EU national, you can freely travel with your cat, dog or ferret if it has a European Pet Passport.
  • Consumers have strong protection when purchasing package holidays, timeshares or holiday club schemes, even when buying online.
  • EU rules provide for the mutual recognition of driving licences in the EU, so an Irish driving licence is valid in all Member States.
  • The European Aviation Safety Agency has made flying safer, and greater co-operation between Member States on air traffic management means it’s more efficient too.
  • Mobile phone roaming charges have been abolished across the EU and providers now must issue a ‘Roam Like at Home’ (RLAH) contract by default to customers.
  • The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) provides basic healthcare access to all Irish citizens while travelling in the EU and to EEA countries or Switzerland.

Travelling in the EU

European Health Insurance Card

Roam Like at Home

European Pet Passport


  • The Single Market removes trade barriers across the EU so Irish consumers can choose from a wider selection of products and services at more competitive prices.
  • Goods are safer too. The General Product Safety Regulation mandates strict safety assessments for all consumer products, including those sold online. EU rules also require the ‘CE’ conformity mark to be used on many categories of products. This is the manufacturer’s declaration that the product satisfies all relevant safety requirements as well as cybersecurity and sustainability criteria.
  • Every consumer in the EU has the right to receive clear, correct and comprehensible key information from a trader about goods or services before making an online purchase.
  • EU rules ban unjustified geographically based restrictions (geo-blocking) that undermine online shopping and cross-border sales. The Digital Markets Act (DMA) further ensures transparent pricing and easier subscription cancellations. 
  • A new Digital Fairness Act (DFA) aims to ban deceptive designs that trick users, regulate addictive features in apps and websites, and set rules for AI to prevent manipulation in online shopping, making the online shopping experience fairer and more transparent
  • The Cyber Resilience Act requires all digital products, such as baby monitors, smartwatches and software, to have mandatory cybersecurity requirements throughout their whole lifecycle.
  • USB type-C is now the common charging standard for electronic devices sold in the EU, meaning consumers don’t need multiple charging cables.
  • The Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) sets sustainability requirements for most physical goods sold in the EU, aiming to improve reparability, recyclability, durability, and energy efficiency.
  • EU consumers now have a ‘right to repair' that will make it easier and more cost-effective to repair products instead of simply replacing them with new ones.
  • Misleading advertising and unfair commercial practices such as aggressive sales techniques are banned in the EU. This means no hidden costs, no tricks, no false claims and no misleading information. There are also significant restrictions and safeguards when it comes to advertising targeted at children that protect them from manipulation.
  • So-called ‘greenwashing’ - where a company gives misleading information on how eco-friendly its products are – is set to be banned under the Green Claims Directive.
  • EU data protection rules guarantee the protection of your personal data when you buy something online.
  • Irish consumers can easily determine where the food they purchase has come from and what it contains. EU rules mean that labels on all food products must include nutrition information on processed foods as well as the origin details of unprocessed meats. Labels also have to highlight allergens like peanuts or milk in the list of ingredients and be easy to read.
  • Cosmetic products sold in the EU have to undergo expert scientific safety assessment before they are introduced to the market. EU legislation also bans animal testing for cosmetic purposes.
  • The EU has helped with the liberalisation of the communications market, meaning that today we have a better choice of internet and telecoms providers.
  • The Consumer Protection Cooperation Network carries out systematic checks simultaneously in different Member States to investigate breaches of consumer protection law, particularly with online sellers. Co-ordinated sweeps target issues such as influencer marketing violations, fake reviews and misleading price reduction claims.
  • Under the AI Act, consumers must be informed when interacting with AI chatbots or emotion-recognition systems. 
  • Food and animal feed sold in the EU are subject to stringent safety requirements. Swift action can be taken protect consumers from unsafe food products through the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF).
  • The EU-led Safety Gate, a rapid alert system for dangerous non-food products, allows dangerous goods to be quickly withdrawn from the market.
  • The EU-wide Online Dispute Resolution platform provides Irish consumers with a one-stop-shop aimed at resolving disputes over online purchases.

Consumer policy 

Consumer Protection Cooperation Network

‘CE’ conformity mark

Research and Innovation

  • Being part of the EU has helped Ireland transform itself into the 7th most innovative country in the EU, attracting billions in foreign direct investment (FDI) from hi-tech sectors like ICT, pharmaceuticals, and AI. 
  • The European Innovation Scoreboard 2024 ranks Ireland as a ‘Strong Innovator’ with performance at 113.2% of the EU average, outperforming countries like Germany and France.
  • Irish organisations have secured significant funding under Horizon Europe (2021–2027). As of December 2024, they have surpassed Ireland's 1.6% target by achieving 2.14% of total EU allocations.
  • Irish participation in Horizon Europe has been extensive, with 1,295 projects involving 487 Irish organisations (including 217 SMEs) receiving funding since 2021. Notably, Ireland ranks 4th in the EU for SME participation.
  • Ireland has excelled in the Digital, Industry & Space programme area, securing €122 million in funding, which helps Irish organisations tackle global challenges and conduct multidisciplinary research.
  • Ireland is part of the European Research Area (ERA), which means Irish researchers can contribute significantly to global research and development.
  • Irish participation in EU funded research attracts international research talent to Ireland.
  • Participation in EU research programmes also promotes and demonstrates Ireland’s research capabilities on the world stage.
  • Ireland's Smart Specialisation Strategy 2022–2027 leverages EU funds to address regional innovation gaps in areas like agri-tech and renewable energy.

Research and innovation

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe in Ireland

European Research Area


  • The UK’s decision to leave the EU has had consequences for Ireland but EU mechanisms have provided critical safeguards and funding to address trade disruptions, border challenges, and sectoral impacts. 
  • The Withdrawal Agreement includes a Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland to prevent a hard border on the island and protect the all-island economy. In 2023 the Windsor Framework replaced contentious elements of the Protocol to reduce border friction and protect Single Market integrity.
  • The EU made the protocol a major priority from the very start of Withdrawal Agreement negotiations and Member States provided unwavering support for Ireland’s position throughout the talks process.
  • EU citizenship rights for NI residents choosing Irish passports remained intact under the Withdrawal Agreement.
  • Ireland was the biggest beneficiary of the €5.37 billion Brexit Adjustment Reserve which was created to support the regions and sectors worst affected by the UK decision to leave the EU. Ireland received a total allocation of €802 million in pre-financing.
  • The PEACE and INTERREG funding programmes that supported reconciliation and promoted economic and social progress in Northern Ireland and the Border Regions of Ireland provided funding totalling almost €3.4 billion for over 23,000 projects that touched the lives of more than two million citizens.
  • Support for the Peace Process has continued after Brexit through the €1.1 billion PEACEPLUS programme.

Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland

Brexit Adjustment Reserve

PEACEPLUS funding programmes


  • The European Commission coordinates common European responses to health crises, ensuring rapid and effective measures to protect public health across Member States.
  • The European Medicines Agency (EMA) ensures that all medicines used in Ireland are safe and effective, undergoing rigorous scientific evaluation and supervision.
  • Irish researchers and healthcare projects receive EU funding to develop advanced medical technologies, treatments, and diagnostics.
  • The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) allows Irish citizens to access medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during temporary stays in other EU/EEA countries.
  • The EU's Cross-Border Healthcare Directive enables Irish citizens to seek medical treatment in other EU countries, ensuring timely access to necessary healthcare services.
  • The European Health Data Space (EHDS) is supporting Ireland's transition to a more digitalised and efficient healthcare system, with the Irish government receiving €3.6 million in EU funding to establish a national Health Data Access Body.
  • When COVID-19 hit Europe in 2020, the EU's swift, coordinated response included the accelerated development and roll-out of vaccines and a comprehensive strategy that not only addressed public health concerns but also tackled economic challenges with a €1.8 trillion EU recovery package.
  • Ireland is actively participating in the development of the European Health Union, a significant initiative that aims to strengthen the EU's health security framework and improve preparedness for future health crises.

Health policy

EU Vaccination 

European Commission's response to COVID-19 

Other benefits

  • Despite being a small nation, being part of the EU gives Ireland a powerful global voice. Irish views and interests influence the policies of the EU towards the rest of the world.
  • The EU provided essential support and a neutral forum for Irish and British politicians and civil servants that facilitated progress towards the Good Friday Agreement.
  • Over the years, the EU has helped fund many of Ireland’s major tourist amenities, including the interpretive centre at the Cliffs of Moher, the redevelopment of Lough Key Forest and Leisure Park and the establishment of a crystal manufacturing and visitor centre at Waterford Crystal following its closure.
  • Major infrastructure projects have also benefited from EU funding such as major inter-urban roads, including the M1/M4 between Dublin and Galway and the M1/M9 between Kilkullen and Waterford as well as the Dublin Port Tunnel, the completion of the M50 and the DART.
  • The development of the Luas Red Line in Dublin was facilitated by EU funding of €82.5 million under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
  • Construction of the 5.6km extension to the Luas Green Line was supported by €150 million from the EIB, which has also helped with investment in several major Irish infrastructure projects.
  • The Port of Cork redevelopment is part-funded from EU funds as a Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) project, which supports the construction and upgrade of important transport infrastructure across the European Union.
  • THRIVE – the Town Centre First Heritage Revival Scheme funded under European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Regional Programmes - is providing €120 million to support the transformation of Irish town centres.
  • The European Arrest Warrant (EAW) means Irish criminals can’t escape justice by fleeing to another EU Member State.
  • Being an EU Member State has helped protect and promote the Irish language. Irish has full working EU status, just like other official EU languages.
  • EU Structural and Cohesion Funds modernise Ireland's infrastructure, including rural broadband and SME support.


EU stories - accounts of some of the many ways Ireland has benefited from EU membership.