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Representation in Ireland
News article8 February 2023Representation in Ireland2 min read

Over half of Irish people believe that life is fair and equal: Eurobarometer survey

A new Eurobarometer survey on Fairness, inequality, and intergenerational mobility reveals that a majority of Irish people believe that life is fair and equal.

Infographic showing that 60% of Irish people believe that they have equal opportunities to get ahead in life compared to others in their country and that most of the things that happen in their lives are fair

60% of Irish people think that they have equal opportunities to get ahead in life compared to others in their country, fifth highest in the EU after Finland (69%), Luxembourg (66%), Sweden (65%) and Denmark (63%).

60% of Irish people believe, to some extent or strongly, that most of the things that happen in their lives are fair, the highest share in the EU.

On average, 47% of Europeans think they have equal opportunities for getting ahead in life compared to others, and 38% believe that most of the things that happen in their life are fair.

51% of Irish people believe that, by and large, people get what they deserve in their country, well above the EU average of 35%, and the highest in the EU.

Other findings

  • 77% of Irish respondents agree, or strongly agree, that that income differences in their country are too great, below the EU average of 81%. People in Portugal (94%) were most likely to agree while those in Finland and Denmark were least (both 58%).
  • 80% of Irish people agree, or strongly agree, that that their government should take measures to reduce differences in income levels, slightly above the EU average of 78%. Respondents in in Portugal (93%) were the most likely to agree while those in Denmark (45%) were the least.
  • 76% of Irish people believe that the EU institutions should support the government to reduce the difference in income levels, above the EU average of 73%.
  • 52% of Irish people agree that large differences in people's incomes are acceptable to properly reward differences in talents and efforts, below the EU average of 57%. People in Germany (79%) were the most likely to agree while those in Portugal (46%) were the least.
  • 61% of Irish people agree that an important task of the government is to tax the rich in order to support the poor, below the EU average of 67%. Respondents in Greece (88%) were the most likely to agree while those in Finland and Italy (both 54%) were the least.
  • 45% of Irish respondents agree that their national government takes into account the views of people like them when designing or reforming public benefits programmes and services, 4th highest in the EU and well above the EU average of 30%. Highest in Malta at 52% and lowest in Czechia (12%).
  • When asked about their preferences for increasing public spending on social policies:
    • 84% of Irish people would like to see more spending on health, 
    • 84% would like to see more spending on housing
    • 80% would like to see more spending on long-term care
    • 76% would like to see more spending on education.

In Ireland, over one thousand people were interviewed for the survey in June 2022.

The results, including an Ireland country factsheet can be downloaded at:





Publication date
8 February 2023
Representation in Ireland