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Representation in Ireland
  • News article
  • 21 June 2021
  • Directorate-General for Communication
  • 1 min read

Irish translation on track to reach full status by 1 January 2022

Today the European Commission adopted a report to the Council on the available language capacity in the EU institutions for the Irish language

The EU and Irish flags

The report finds that the EU institutions will be able to meet all demand for translation into Irish of legislation and the increased demand for translation of other types of documents, by continuing ongoing measures until the end of the year.

Irish has been a treaty language since 1973, when Ireland became a Member State, meaning that only the EU treaties would be translated into Irish.

In 2007, at the request of Ireland, Irish became an official and working EU language. However, the Council granted a derogation, meaning that not all documents were translated into Irish at that point.

Today’s report follows a 2015 request from Ireland to phase out this derogation, and give Irish full status, as the other official EU languages.

The Council will now consider the Commission’s findings in this report. In the absence of a Council regulation stating otherwise, the derogation will end on 1 January 2022.

The EU and the Irish government have achieved this by working closely together and taking innovative measures to make progress in translation into Irish, recruitment, external contractors and Irish language resources.

This cooperation will continue in the future.

More information is available here.


Publication date
21 June 2021
Directorate-General for Communication