European Commission proposes a Union of Skills to equip people for a competitive Europe Skip to main content
Representation in Ireland
  • News article
  • 5 March 2025
  • Representation in Ireland
  • 1 min read

European Commission proposes a Union of Skills to equip people for a competitive Europe

The European Commission has adopted a package of initiatives to improve high quality education, training and lifelong learning in the EU.

The European Union needs skilled people to respond to new challenges and stay competitive. But as job requirements change, many workers struggle to keep up, and businesses cannot find the right talent. These skills and labour gaps are hindering European competitiveness. That is why the European Commission is introducing the Union of Skills, a plan to improve high quality education, training and lifelong learning. 

It aims to

  • deliver higher levels of basic and advanced skills 
  • provide opportunities for people to regularly update and learn new skills
  • facilitate recruitment by businesses across the EU
  • attract, develop and retain top talent in Europe.

The Union of Skills Communication is accompanied by an Action Plan on Basic Skills and a STEM Education Strategic Plan to improve skills in science, technology, engineering, and maths, promote STEM careers, attract more girls and women, and boost preparedness in the face of digital and clean-tech transitions.  

"The Union of Skills is our strategy to help people stay ahead in a rapidly changing world and keep Europe competitive and fair. We, in Europe, put people first because the success of every person in learning, at work and in life is essential for competitiveness and for a stable and resilient Union."

Roxana Mînzatu, Executive Vice-President for Social Rights and Skills, Quality Jobs and Preparedness

For More Information

A Union of Skills (Communication)

Union of Skills website

Questions & Answers

Union of Skills factsheet

Skills development, labour and skills shortages – factsheets for all 27 Member States (Cedefop)

Action Plan on Basic Skills

STEM Education Strategic Plan

Action Plan on Basic Skills factsheet

STEM Education Strategic Plan factsheet


Publication date
5 March 2025
Representation in Ireland