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NextGenerationEU: Equipping Ireland’s construction industry with green skills for a climate-neutral future

NextGenerationEU, the EU’s economic stimulus package, has invested €114 million in training programmes to equip construction professionals with the skills to build well-insulated homes and retrofit Irish houses.

Keith McGrory, owner of McGrory Homes

NextGenerationEU, the European Union’s economic stimulus package, supports the clean energy transition and sustainable, inclusive growth in Europe. Initiated in response to the economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the recovery fund aims to make Europe greener, more digital and more resilient.  

In Ireland, NextGenerationEU invested €114 million in training programmes to equip construction professionals with the skills to build well-insulated homes and retrofit Irish houses with the latest energy-saving technologies, progressing Ireland’s green transition and supporting climate action.  

As a result of energy-intensive processes and energy use in buildings, the construction industry contributes significantly to Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions. The NextGenerationEU-funded SOLAS Green Skills Action Programme aims to train Ireland’s construction industry in making our homes warmer and climate-friendly. Acquiring skills in Near Zero Energy Building (NZEB) and retrofitting improves the participants’ employability and equips them with the right qualifications for the sustainable ‘green’ jobs of the future. NZEB Centres of Excellence across Ireland provide starter programmes, conversion and upskilling courses.  

NextGenerationEU: Equipping Ireland’s construction industry with green skills
European Commission

Donegal-native Keith McGrory, owner of McGrory Homes, is one of many construction entrepreneurs who has benefitted from the NextGenerationEU-funded training programme. Keith and his team, based in Co. Waterford, use the green skills they acquired from the SOLAS Green Skills Action Programme to upgrade and retrofit their customer’s homes across Ireland.  

Keith joined the NZEB Centre and SOLAS Green Skills Action Programme in Waterford after graduating from what is now the South-East Technology University. Through the training, Keith has been able to increase the skills of his company and strengthen his focus on environmental sustainability in the construction industry.   

Speaking about the programme, Keith says: 

“NZEB Centres of Excellence provide a broad range of upskilling in near-zero energy building and retrofits. The skills taught through the programme help us to build and retrofit houses that are gentler on the environment and our pockets. Programmes like this that have been funded by NextGenerationEU help more people to see the bigger picture of how Ireland can become more self-sufficient and energy-efficient, helping us to help the climate.”  

The courses are developed by industry, for industry, and are delivered in short bursts with blended learning models to limit time spent on site.  

“There’s an old saying, ‘knowledge is power’,” Keith says. 

“We were one of the first companies to really believe in NZEB and what it can achieve. I believe the knowledge I have gained is so powerful for me, my business and my clients.”  

Thanks to programmes like SOLAS Green Skills, the Irish construction sector is now equipped with the skills to build new homes to high energy-efficiency standards, resulting in top-quality end products for homeowners. This is essential when considering Ireland’s housing and climate targets. The programme also helping to create a circular economy by reducing Ireland’s dependence on materials and energy from other countries.  

Keith says: 

“It’s great to see how SOLAS Green Skills improves participants’ employability skills as well. Completing my educational journey, becoming involved in NZEB and adding more skills to my toolbox – it's all made me proud. NZEB was just one of those tools that I felt when I got it; everything started to click. I saw the bigger picture from being in the NZEB training centres, and I understood the goals of the project, how it will work, and how it will impact us.”  

Regarding the construction industry’s future, Keith highlights the importance of the individuals involved – the construction professionals and tradespeople – and how they are part of the bigger picture, making a lasting impact.  

“I hope that the more people engage in programmes like SOLAS Green Skills, the more this work will become the norm. It will benefit everyone in the long run – construction workers, and people buying, living or working in the buildings. In years to come, I’m looking forward to seeing how far we’ve come – like looking back at the design of the horse and cart when you have a car” McGrory says.  

With NextGenerationEU-funded courses for industry experts like Keith McGrory and McGrory Homes, the future of the Irish construction industry and the health of our environment are both in safe hands.