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Representation in Ireland
News article9 February 2022Representation in Ireland1 min read

Time is running out to have your voice heard about the future of Europe! Get your ideas in before 20 February!

Anyone wishing to make a contribution to the online platform of the Conference on the Future of Europe should do so by 20 February.

Conference on the Future of Europe citizens' panel

This will ensure that your ideas can be taken into account in the report which will be published on 17 March. In turn, this report will be published in all official languages and will be considered by the Conference Plenariesand Working Groups.  

The Conference on the Future of Europe is a citizen-led series of debates and discussions that allows people from across Europe to share their ideas and help shape our common future.

The Conference is the first of its kind: a major pan-European democratic exercise, with citizen-led debates enabling people from across Europe to share their ideas and help shape our common future.

This is done via an innovative Multilingual Digital Platform where any European can share ideas, and both national and European Citizens' Panels. The platform gathers, in one place, all contributions from citizens – whether shared online or at events. These contributions feed into the Conference Plenaries.

Three interim reports on the multilingual digital platform have been prepared so far, since the Platform kicked off in April 2021, and have fed into the work of the European and national Citizens’ Panels and the Conference Plenaries. The last two panel sessions of the European Citizens Panels will take place on 11-13 February (Maastricht) and on 25-27 February (Dublin).

More information

Website of the Conference on the Future of Europe


Publication date
9 February 2022
Representation in Ireland